You could try using Irfanview. That program is free and would let you make the file size smaller without shrinking your pic.
I've got a link to it on my WORLD.
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 03/25/09 | Reply
I love the mix and match idea, but unfortunately I am unfamiliar with all the series to choose from XD but I wanted to say this contest still looks like a lot of fun in concept!
Alright..... My cousin came down.She found teh strech/skew thing and she did it up.My computer can not withstand sending something like that to a website,so,I tried to send it to your e-mail.It also can't like,stay stable enough to send something like that.My uncle told me it'll over-work the system? O.o I donno....But,again,I HOPE I'm gettin that new computer soon so I can try this again......-.- sorryz.....
EDITZZZ: Mediafire? I can't do that either!!!grrsss!!!....>.<
Last edited by SailorJuipiterFF7 at 12:20:45 AM EDT on March 9, 2009.
lol oh, send it to my email (chiba.anna@gmail.com), if it's too big for attaching as an email, upload it to Mediafire or something first, then email me the link. I'll resize it and send it back to you.
I tried the stretch-thingy yesterday and it didn't work.... I have an older computer though (yeah 8-9,suprised the thing still runs....).I don't have Photoshop or Picasa either...But we're supposed to be gettin' a new computer once the stimulus thing Obama made kicks in.(hopefully)So,I might be able to do future contests.Sorry I can't do this one I don't know,maybe if no one's home one day I'll have to try to figure out how to use the scanner and upload a pic real quick.(ninja skillz! XD) I'll watch out for more contests though!
There are limits in the sizes of the pics that you can upload here, they are:
* Filesize: 1 MB maximum
* Width: Maximum 1500 pixels, minimum 400 pixels
* Height: Maximum 2000 pixels, minimum 350 pixels
So if it's too big or small, you'll probably have to resize it D: I'm not too sure about how to do so in paint, but it could be in Image>>Attributes. Do you have Photoshop or Picasa or any other image editing programs?
EDIT: Ah hang on, Image>>Stretch/Skew should do the trick. Use the Stretch section, put in lower percentages for the width and height and make sure that they're proportional (both numbers the same for width and height)
Last edited by Annachuu at 11:35:41 AM EDT on March 8, 2009.
I made a picture on paint,but it wouldn't let me put it on.....My file was to big or somethin.I needed it to be 1 MB or somethin?How do you make it fit right?????
I really want to try and do this! I don't have a scanner though... But perhaps i'll give it a go. I may be able to send it in teh post to my sister -- she has a scanner...
Hmmm. I'll have to do some research on the themes though, i'm not familliar with the series asides from Final Fantasty...
I'll try to do it! I have a scanner,but I have to sneak onto this website,so I'll try to make one on paint.Can't guarente it'll look good,but I'll see if I can make something!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/08/09 | Reply
wooo I won!!By the fault!!!
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/31/09 | Reply
This contest sounds cool! :D
You could try using Irfanview. That program is free and would let you make the file size smaller without shrinking your pic.
I've got a link to it on my WORLD.
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/26/09 | Reply
Oh, yes, Hetalia! I shall enter promptly =D
Weaver of Dreams (Otaku Angel) | Posted 03/25/09 | Reply
I love the mix and match idea, but unfortunately I am unfamiliar with all the series to choose from XD but I wanted to say this contest still looks like a lot of fun in concept!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 03/25/09 | Reply
heh-heh I'm thinking onion knights
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 03/22/09 | Reply
I am so gonna do this!! KHR is what i'll do, love!!
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/17/09 | Reply
I will try my best!
Call me "Obiri" (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/10/09 | Reply
yes! Something really cool to draw! O.o omgsh! I'll need to post up first my friend's B-day drawing! After that I'll come here and join!
Not yet, though, So I'm still considering of entering. Put me in the consider list or waiting list. ;3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/08/09 | Reply
My cousin came down.She found teh strech/skew thing and she did it up.My computer can not withstand sending something like that to a website,so,I tried to send it to your e-mail.It also can't like,stay stable enough to send something like that.My uncle told me it'll over-work the system? O.o I donno....But,again,I HOPE I'm gettin that new computer soon so I can try this again......-.-

EDITZZZ: Mediafire? I can't do that either!!!grrsss!!!....>.<
Last edited by SailorJuipiterFF7 at 12:20:45 AM EDT on March 9, 2009.
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/08/09 | Reply
lol oh, send it to my email (chiba.anna@gmail.com), if it's too big for attaching as an email, upload it to Mediafire or something first, then email me the link. I'll resize it and send it back to you.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/08/09 | Reply
I tried the stretch-thingy yesterday and it didn't work....
I have an older computer though (yeah 8-9,suprised the thing still runs....).I don't have Photoshop or Picasa either...But we're supposed to be gettin' a new computer once the stimulus thing Obama made kicks in.(hopefully)So,I might be able to do future contests.Sorry I can't do this one
I don't know,maybe if no one's home one day I'll have to try to figure out how to use the scanner and upload a pic real quick.(ninja skillz! XD) I'll watch out for more contests though!
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/08/09 | Reply
There are limits in the sizes of the pics that you can upload here, they are:
* Filesize: 1 MB maximum
* Width: Maximum 1500 pixels, minimum 400 pixels
* Height: Maximum 2000 pixels, minimum 350 pixels
So if it's too big or small, you'll probably have to resize it D: I'm not too sure about how to do so in paint, but it could be in Image>>Attributes. Do you have Photoshop or Picasa or any other image editing programs?
EDIT: Ah hang on, Image>>Stretch/Skew should do the trick. Use the Stretch section, put in lower percentages for the width and height and make sure that they're proportional (both numbers the same for width and height)
Last edited by Annachuu at 11:35:41 AM EDT on March 8, 2009.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/08/09 | Reply
I made a picture on paint,but it wouldn't let me put it on....
.My file was to big or somethin.I needed it to be 1 MB or somethin?How do you make it fit right?????
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/08/09 | Reply
Thanks so much! I really look forward to your entry! =D
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/08/09 | Reply
Sounds great! If you're not into BL, I suggest staying away from Togainu no Chi, Lamento and sweet pool though. The rest are normal XD
I look forward to your entry =D
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/08/09 | Reply
Erm, they're more to BL, and not all of them are BL. ^^;; In fact, only three are from BL based games from the same creator, the rest are normal =/
Last edited by Annachuu at 12:59:41 AM EST on March 8, 2009.
13th Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/07/09 | Reply
Since I've never been into any of those anime/games, I googled the names...
I found a LOT of yaoi xD
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/07/09 | Reply
I really want to try and do this! I don't have a scanner though... But perhaps i'll give it a go. I may be able to send it in teh post to my sister -- she has a scanner...
Hmmm. I'll have to do some research on the themes though, i'm not familliar with the series asides from Final Fantasty...
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/07/09 | Reply
I'll try to do it! I have a scanner,but I have to sneak onto this website,so I'll try to make one on paint.Can't guarente it'll look good,but I'll see if I can make something!
Haru 93
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/07/09 | Reply
Wow!! This is a really amazing idea!! (: